The America His Father Believed In: Shahid Haque’s Immigration Advocacy | Super Lawyers 2024

July 12, 2024Shahid Haque

We are proud to be featured in the Super Lawyers magazine for 2024.

The America His Father Believed In
Shahid Haque’s fight for a more equitable Montana for immigrants, by Amy White

Excerpt: His father, who grew up in a rural village, was one of few in the region to go to medical school in the U.K. before obtaining a visa to come to the U.S. in the mid-’70s. “He was a big believer in Reagan- era politics, the idea that we are a melting pot, and that immigration was improving the country,” Haque says. “We’ve lost sight of that, but my dad really believed in a land of opportunity where people of all races and cultures come together.”

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[H]e’s noticed that people are often against immigration in the abstract only. “They’re against some unknown enemy they’re told exists,” he says. “But once they actually meet somebody, things change. I have farmers and ranchers as red as you can get who call me and want to talk about how we can help somebody through the immigration system because they know this person to be a hardworking, honest family man of good character. And what they’re surprised to learn is that oftentimes, there’s no good pathway to help because our immigration system doesn’t have an option.

I’d like us to get back to the real issue: Why are our immigration laws so restrictive? Why can’t we pass reform so that we can actually help people who would be a benefit to our country? I’d love to see the United States my father believed in.”

Protecting Your Immigration Journey: Beware of ICE’s Fake Social Media Accounts

September 15, 2023Shahid Haque

In the digital age, our lives are increasingly intertwined with social media. While these platforms offer us great ways to connect, share, and stay informed, it’s essential to be mindful of the potential risks, especially if you are navigating the complex immigration process. Recent revelations have shown that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), including Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), has been using fake social media accounts for various purposes, including tracking immigrants. In this blog post, we aim to shed light on this concerning issue and offer you guidance on protecting your immigration journey.

The Brennan Center for Justice has brought to light documents that reveal the widespread use of fake social media accounts by DHS, sparking concerns about the privacy and security of immigrants. You can read the full article here: Documents Reveal Widespread Use of Fake Social Media Accounts by DHS

Here are some key takeaways and precautions to consider:

1. Exercise Caution: It’s crucial to be cautious about what you share on social media, even if your profile is private. Fake accounts may attempt to connect with you or monitor your activity. Avoid posting sensitive information, discussing your immigration status, or sharing personal details that could be exploited.

2. Privacy Settings: Review and update your social media privacy settings regularly. Limit the visibility of your posts and personal information to trusted connections, and be selective about accepting friend or connection requests.

3. Verify Friend Requests: Before accepting friend requests or connections from unfamiliar profiles, take a moment to investigate. Check for mutual connections and evaluate the legitimacy of the account. If something seems off, it’s best to decline the request.

4. Be Cautious with Messaging: Avoid engaging in sensitive conversations related to immigration matters through social media messaging. Use secure and confidential communication channels when discussing personal or legal issues.

5. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the latest developments regarding immigration policies and enforcement tactics. Knowledge is your best defense against potential threats.

6. Consult with Legal Counsel: If you have concerns or questions about your immigration case or interactions with immigration authorities, consult with your immigration attorney. They can provide you with tailored guidance to navigate your specific situation. You can set up a consultation with us here.

Remember, while social media can be a valuable tool for staying connected and informed, it’s essential to be vigilant and mindful of potential risks. Your privacy and security are of utmost importance, especially during your immigration journey.

If you have any questions or concerns related to your immigration case, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to advocate for your rights and provide you with the support and guidance you need.

Stay safe, stay informed, and know that we are here to stand with you every step of the way.

Podcast: The Rational Middle

February 9, 2023Shahid Haque

I had a great time chatting with Carter Carroll on The Rational Middle about our Open Borders app, immigration in Montana and more.

The Rational Middle is a podcast that inspires fact-based discussions to find real-world solutions to our greatest challenges.

Click here to listen!

Video: What is Open Borders?

November 23, 2022Shahid Haque

Evaluate your case with Open Borders, the free immigration guide!

November 8, 2022Shahid Haque

We are proud to announce the launch of Open Borders, a free immigration guide created by the Border Crossing Law Firm, P.C.  The app is available now in both English and Spanish on the WebAndroid, iPhone/iPad, and Mac.

This guide was created by Shahid Haque, an immigration attorney and former law professor who has spent more than 17 years representing thousands of clients in the U.S. immigration system.

“After conducting thousands of immigration consultations, an immigration attorney develops a system for evaluating cases and identifying the important factors that affect a client’s options,” Mr. Haque said.  “I wanted to use my knowledge of immigration law to benefit people around the world, so I spent several years writing a guide that offers a free, automated assessment of your immigration options.”

“While I can only be in one place at one time, Open Borders can help thousands of clients at once,” Mr. Haque said. 

By asking a series of important questions, we will evaluate your case and explain what you can do to get legal status in the country.

✅ We simplify our complex immigration laws, by presenting you with information that is relevant to your circumstances.

✅ We can help you explore the options you have to come to the United States, or remain here with lawful status.

✅ We assess complex immigration fact patterns, even those involving one or more illegal entries into the country.

✅ We can explain what relief you may qualify for in deportation or removal proceedings.

🙋🏽‍♂️ If at any point you want our help, you can schedule a consultation by phone or video, or hire us for full representation.

 We believe that legal representation is critical in immigration cases, and do not encourage you to file any applications without the assistance of a qualified attorney. Even though we provide personalized information based on your answers, this is not legal advice, and using this app does not make us your attorneys. 

Try it now on the Web:

USCIS Implements New Process for Venezuelans

October 18, 2022Shahid Haque
On Oct. 12, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced a new process for Venezuelans. This new process will provide a lawful and streamlined way for nationals of Venezuela who are outside the United States to come to the United States.

Through a fully online process, individuals can be considered, on a case-by-case basis, for advance authorization to travel to the United States for a temporary period of parole for up to two years, provided that they have a supporter in the United States who will provide financial and other support.

USCIS says they will begin implementing this new process on Oct. 18, 2022. For additional information on the process and eligibility requirements, please see USCIS’ Process for Venezuelans webpage.

Is it still possible to apply for DACA?

September 27, 2022Shahid Haque

Right now, USCIS is approving renewals of DACA status, but not initial applications.


Deferred action for childhood arrivals (DACA) was a program created in 2012, which allows you to get a work permit, and be protected from deportation. The specific requirements are:

→ You entered the country when you were under 16 years old.

→ You were under the age of 31 on June 15, 2012 (when the law went into effect).

→ You have continuously resided in the United States since June 15, 2007, up to the present time.

→ You were physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012, and remain here now.

→ You were out of lawful status on June 15, 2012.

→ You are currently in school, have graduated, got a general education development (GED), or are a veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States.

⚠️ President Trump eliminated the DACA program, but this was challenged all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which held that the program was incorrectly terminated.  This meant that DACA applications were briefly permitted once again. Unfortunately, a lawsuit was filed, and a federal district court once again held that DACA is an unlawful program. Because of that ruling, DACA is only open for renewals right now, but not first-time applications.

⛔️ It is not truly possible to file an initial application right now.  Any initial DACA applications that are filed are being put on hold, and not decided, until this legal battle is resolved.

☀️ It is still possible to file your application, and put it in the queue, in the hopes of approval.  If you would like our help, you can hire us to represent you, or set up a consultation.

Shahid Haque Speaking at 2021 AILA Annual Conference on Immigration Law

June 6, 2021Shahid Haque

We will be presenting on a panel at the 2021 AILA Annual Conference on Immigration Law on June 9–12, 2021.

Montana joins deportation lawsuit against Biden administration

March 9, 2021Shahid Haque

The Montana Free Press reports:

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen has signed the state on to a lawsuit against the Biden administration over its January directive to largely suspend deportations of noncitizens except in cases that pose a threat to national security.

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The potential impact of Biden’s change in deportation policy on Montana, as opposed to states that border Mexico or have large federal detention centers, will be debated in court proceedings.

“We do not have any long-term holding facilities for immigrant detainees,” said Shahid Haque, president of the Border Crossing Law Firm in Helena and a former immigration law professor at the University of Montana. “When ICE arrests someone in Montana, they are moved within days to a federal detention facility in Tacoma, Washington or Las Vegas, Nevada. If anyone was released from custody, it would be in those states.”

Haque also disputed that drug trafficking in Montana can be connected to newly arrived immigrants, adding that someone accused of such a crime “would have to stand for trial in state court before being turned over to immigration for deportation. Since drug trafficking is an aggravated felony, the person would remain an enforcement priority for ICE, and it would be unlikely that they would release the person.”

A hearing for the case has yet to be scheduled.

Montana’s congressional delegation split on DACA ruling

June 19, 2020Shahid Haque

The Bozeman Daily Chronicle reports:

Montana Democrats supported the Supreme Court’s ruling Thursday that President Donald Trump’s push to end legal protections for about 700,000 young immigrants may not continue. Republican members of the state’s congressional delegation disagreed with the decision.

Trump sought to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which allows “Dreamers” to continue to work and be protected from deportation. DACA was created in 2012 under the Obama administration and Trump included terminating DACA as part of his presidential campaign.

The court voted 5-4 to uphold the program, with Chief Justice John Roberts joining four more liberal justices in the majority.

There were 70 DACA recipients in Montana as of the end of 2019, according to data from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
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Thursday’s decision was a pleasant surprise to Shahid Haque, a Helena-based immigration attorney with Border Crossing Law Firm who has several clients in the Gallatin Valley.

“Unless Trump and the administration writes new reasons to get rid of DACA and change reasoning for that, the policy should be here to stay,” Haque said.

Immigrants who entered the country illegally as children could apply for a two-year protection under the program.

Since 2017, no new DACA applications were allowed. Recipients of the protections were still allowed to renew, but Haque said many of his clients couldn’t establish long-term plans in fears of deportation as they were unsure of potential law changes. Many, he said, were ordered to be deported and the Supreme Court’s ruling could alter their appeals process.

Advocating for immigrants.

The Border Crossing Law Firm is a full-service immigration law firm, offering help with visas, green cards, citizenship, and deportation proceedings. We have been committed to the immigrant community for two decades, representing thousands of immigrants and their families across the country.
